Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na (TTO) - Past Present and Future of the Mohawk language

Callie Hill, executive director of Tyendinaga’s Language and Cultural Centre (TTO) will be offering a presentation on the past, present and future of the Mohawk language on Tyendinaga at Synod on Friday May 26.

Callie is Turtle Clan, Kanyen’kehà:ka, and is a lifetime resident of Kenhtè:ke. She is the Executive Director of Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na Language and Cultural Centre (TTO) since 2004 and has dedicated much of her professional life to revitalizing Kanyen’kéha for the benefit of her community and the Mohawk Nation.

Callie has a Master of Education Degree in Indigenous Language Revitalization from the University of Victoria. She continues to be a learner of the Mohawk language.