Each of these following videos features information and insights into a way in which parishes across the Diocese of Ontario are doing community engagement.

They are intended as an introduction not a ‘tell all’. If your parish has an interest in pursuing any of these ideas further, please reach out to the parish and persons featured in the video for more information.

Harmony Lounge - St. Mary Magdalene, Napanee

Russ interviews Harmony Lounge Coordinator Michelle Hauser to talk about the success of the St. Mary Magdalene music outreach program.

Wellington Thrift Shop

Russ sits down with Mary Dunlop of St. Andrew's, Wellington, to talk about the volunteer parish thrift shop called the 'What-Not Thrift Shop.' Started in 1971, the thrift shop made over $8,000 last year for the parish.

St. Paul's Westport accessibility entrance

Russ talks with Robert Whitehouse of St. Paul’s Westport about their accessibility project where the parish installed a new ramp, lift and accessible entrance door to their parish hall. With this new entrance the parish plans to make their more attractive for use by community groups and other organizations. Robert speaks with Russ about how they funded the project and worked through the stages of planning and construction.